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সর্ব-শেষ হাল-নাগাদ: ১৮ অক্টোবর ২০২৩

৫ বছরের আর্থিক বিবরণী

Particulars   2022-23 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19
Authorized Capital (Tk. In Crore) : 1200.00 1200.00 1200.00 800.00 800.00
Paid-up capital (Tk. in Crore) : 1027.56 980.17 803.25 244.71 244.71
Gross Sales revenue (Tk. in Crore) : 1157.49 973.07 1022.27 1165.56 1723.72
Net Revenue (Tk. in Crore) : 498.39 524.02 557.41 612.52 701.16
Net profit(/Loss) before tax (Tk. in Crore) : (101.01) 47.82 174.02 203.98 233.45
Net profit(/Loss) after tax (Tk. In Crore) : (91.46) 125.59 215.21 218.18 177.00
Contribution to the Govt. SD & VAT, Dividend & Income Tax (Tk. in Crore) : 679.00 572.59 558.71 681.05 *1717.20
Debt-Equity ratio (Minimum 60:40) : 42:58 40:60 40:60 40:60 43:57
Debt-Service ratio (Minimum 1.2 times) : 0.49 0.87 1.14 1.38 2.40
Current ratio (2:1 times) : 2.49:1 2.29:1 2.62:1 3.50:1 1.18:1
Liquidity ratio (1:1 time) : 2.46:1 2.26:1 2.59:1 3.44:1 2.13:1
Return on Capital Employed : (1.23)% 0.58% 2.25% 2.92% 3.52%
Rate of return on average Net Fixed Assets (after tax) : (0.85)% 3.72% 8.63% 9.31% 9.90%
Accounts receivable (months) – Gas : 3.22 3.21 3.01 5.94 2.86
Accounts receivable (Tk. In Crore) – Gas : 347.99 230.37 214.22 403.81 250.27


* Excluding DSL